The Shire of Scorpions Hollow
Welcomes you to the
War of the Staked Plains X
October 1-3, 2004
Castillo Llano Estacado
Clovis, N.M.


THL Bjorn inn Gauszki (mka Ken Webb)


A friendly little war. Sides are determined at the gate by random draw of tokens: Red Vs Yellow. The main body of the activities will include fighting (Heavy and light), archery, and A&S and will take place on Saturday and Sunday.


Site Opens on Friday, October 1 at 4 PM. Site closes Sunday, October 3 at 4 PM

Site Fees, rules and special camping info

Directions – To get to the site take best route to Clovis then NM 209 (Prince Street) north of Clovis to County Road 17 turn east, site entrance is 1.5 miles on left.




Motte and Bailey – NEWS The fighting from the finished gate tower last year was great. Too bad there was a dearth of combat archers to really exercise the scenarios.We are working toward having the other gate tower complete for this year and finishing a deck in the rear tower. For those of you who have not been to "Staked Plains" Castillo Llano Estacado is a scale reconstruction of a heavy timber palisade and is used in numerous of the war scenarios. It currently consists of a static bridge simulation and a 100 ft diameter, circular wall constructed of heavy timber which provides 360 degree protection for the castle defenders. The walls are 10 ft. high with 12 ft. gate towers and archery loops around the entire circumference. With such an asset,the main thing that we can offer is minimal simulation in scenarios. (What you see is what you get!) No more "I’m sorry Milord but that wall is 50 feet high, therefore you cannot stab that archer in the face." If you can reach them, you can hit them.

Recent Event– NEWS!!!! Staked Plains IX was a fantastic event. Hope to see more combat archers and rapier fighters next year. Click the link below for pictures!


Heavy/Light Weapons Scenarios

Archery Events

Additional Events

Arts&Sciences Events

Event Schedule

Event Prizes


Recent 2003 Event Pix (Staked Plains IX)


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This is an unofficial site and information contained should not be taken to represent the views of the Society for Creative Anachronism

This site maintained by THL Thorhild Sigurdsdottir